Telilan walked into the Social Welfare Center of Binhu District

        "Don't do small things for good, don't do small things for evil" has always been the corporate governance philosophy upheld by Triliang's leadership team. Charity is also Triliang's social responsibility and spirit.
         Every year, Jiangsu Triliang will give back to the society for charity. Chairman Xu Zhengliang has always emphasized that the only responsibility of an enterprise is not just to maximize profits. Charity is not only a kind of "love", but also a kind of "self-discipline" and a kind of society. Sense of responsibility. No individual, group, or company can exist alone without the public. As an outstanding enterprise of Hudai, Triliang should be more responsible and must shoulder the responsibility of spreading positive energy.

        During the Mid-Autumn Festival, under the leadership of General Manager Jiang, Teliliang Coating Technology Co., Ltd. delivered Mid-Autumn Mooncakes to the Hudai Pension and Welfare Center in Binhu District. You can also feel the warmth of the society and the care of Triliang people! The dean and leaders of the welfare institute are full of gratitude and appreciation for this, and hope that Hudai star enterprise Teliliang will have greater development in the future, and thank Teliliang for his care for Hudai Welfare and Nursing Center.
         Triliang’s charitable social activities have been going on silently. While the company continues to develop, the return to the society reflects the corporate structure and corporate culture. I believe this will be the responsibility of every Triliang person!

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